
Do you smell the apple cider in the air?

It must be AppleFest 2020 in Downtown Chambersburg! On October 17th from 9-4 wander along the quaint historic streets of Main Street and Lincoln Way East to shop our small local businesses, festival artisans & crafters, enjoy our fabulous restaurants & festival food trucks.

Get a jump on your Holiday shopping. This year we have spread our festival out throughout the whole downtown with our artist vendors & food trucks in 4 parking lots and around the square.

Find your favorite artisan and plenty of terrific fair food in the Elks, Kerrstown, Rosedale, King Street Church lots, & on the Square.

We are welcoming everyone with social distancing in place and merchants abounding with wares to keep you smiling under those masks.

Contact Us

Downtown Chambersburg: Economic hub with diverse businesses, detailed demographic and consumer data.


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Experience the arts and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and creativity of the community.

Public Parking

Public parking is available at various lots throughout downtown. There is also street parking on most streets.


Explore and enjoy events with our fun-filled calendar.

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Join the 28th Crabfeast for all-you-can-eat crabs, games, and more.

Food Crawl

Join us and our Latin / Hispanic food places.

Market Information

Downtown Chambersburg: Economic hub with diverse businesses, detailed demographic and consumer data.

Find A Job

Explore opportunities, network, tailor resumes, prepare interviews, stay persistent, adapt.